Information - 2022年

May. 25, 2022
RABBIT homepage maintenance
RABBIT's website is under maintenance, please contact us at "z-rabbit (at) ml.jaxa" if you wish to use RABBIT. Please replace (at) with @ here.

Mar. 3, 2022
The general public was invited to submit research proposals using the data gathered by the Bisei Space-Guard Center.
The general public was invited to submit research proposals using the data gathered by the Bisei Space-Guard Center.
The general public has been invited to submit research proposals using the data obtained by the Bisei Space-Guard Center (BSGC)*. The goal is to enhance all of Japan’s scientific technology with multi-dimensional data analysis utilizing the data obtained by the Center, and to expand the number of observation data analysts.
(*) A facility specially designed for year-round search and monitoring of space debris and near-earth objects, established in Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture
We are hoping to receive many applications from interested parties.
- 【Application Requirements】
Your research plan should be sent to the following e-mail address.
Orbital Mechanics Team, Tracking and Communications Center
* Please change {at} to @. - 【Application Deadline】
April 28, 2022 (Thu)
The deadline may end earlier if the number of applications exceeds expectations.